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Can Dry Eyes Cause Styes?

While dry eyes do not directly cause styes, they can contribute to the development of this condition. Dry eyes can lead to irritation and inflammation of the eyelids, which in turn can create an environment more susceptible to bacterial infections. When the glands along the edge of the eyelid become blocked or irritated, it increases the likelihood of a stye forming. […]

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Presbyopia vs. Myopia: What’s the Difference?

A senior woman looking at her smartphone and holding it at arm's length

Presbyopia and myopia are 2 common refractive errors that an optometrist can detect during a comprehensive eye examination. Presbyopia and myopia typically affect different age groups, change visual clarity at different distances, and cause different changes in the eye itself. Myopia Presbyopia Vision Issue Distant objects appear blurry Close up objects appear blurry Cause The […]

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