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Keratoconus Contact Lenses: What Are Your Options?

A close-up side view of a man's eye showing a cone shape cornea.

When you have keratoconus, there are a variety of different contact lenses that can be used to correct your vision. There are many options available, and it can be overwhelming to figure out which one will be best for you.  Soft contacts, rigid gas permeable lenses, scleral, and hybrid lenses can all be suitable for […]

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Can You Wear Contacts with Astigmatism?

A pair of glasses and a contact lens case sitting on a piece of with the word astigmatism seen through the eyeglass lenses

Contact lenses are an excellent alternative to your prescription glasses when you’re looking to switch things up. But eye conditions like astigmatism can make that difficult. The first step to finding the right contacts is visiting your optometrist for a contact lens exam and fitting.  Astigmatism can prevent you from wearing regular contacts, but the […]

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What to Expect at a Contact Lens Fitting

A hand holding contact lens blister packs and a contact lens case

A contact lens fitting is an essential part of healthy contact lens wear. Imagine trying to wear shoes 3 sizes too big or 1 size too small. You might trip over too-long shoes or get blisters from rubbing. Similarly, a fitting helps find the contact lens in your size. An improper lens fit can affect […]

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Can Diabetic Retinopathy Be Reversed?

A hand-holding Glucometer with high blood sugar was written on the result. High blood sugar on diabetic person may lead to Diabetic Retinopathy.

Did you know that if you have diabetes, it can affect your eyes? Diabetic retinopathy is an eye condition and a complication of diabetes that affects approximately 30% of adults over age 40.  This eye condition is caused by damage to the blood vessels in the retina (the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the […]

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