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Specialty Contact Lenses: Types, Benefits, and Who’s a Candidate?

A woman uses her right hand to gently pull her eyelid open while placing a contact lens on her eye with her left hand.

Specialty contact lenses help with unique vision needs. Types include scleral, GP, hybrid, multifocal, custom soft, and Ortho-K lenses. They improve vision, comfort, and fit, and may slow myopia in kids. Ideal for irregular corneas, high prescriptions, or dissatisfaction with standard lenses. […]

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Can Contacts Get Stuck Behind Your Eye?

An adult rubs their eye when it feels like their contact lens is stuck and causing discomfort.

If you’ve worn contacts for any length of time, the question of whether one of your lenses could disappear behind your eye has probably crossed your mind. And while contacts can’t physically get stuck behind your eye, they can get stuck in odd and uncomfortable places on the eye’s surface or behind the eyelid. […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Styes?

While dry eyes do not directly cause styes, they can contribute to the development of this condition. Dry eyes can lead to irritation and inflammation of the eyelids, which in turn can create an environment more susceptible to bacterial infections. When the glands along the edge of the eyelid become blocked or irritated, it increases the likelihood of a stye forming. […]

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